Marty Richter
Head Coach, Men’s Basketball
Florida Southwestern State College
Why I go RED?
I go red for Donna Sublett, a heart disease survivor and champion for women
throughout the world who suffer from heart related disease. Like Donna, I
have an interest in the longevity of all women; and while I have been uniquely
touched by Donna's story, I hope that the other important women in my life - my
mom, my wife and my daughter can live heart strong and heart healthy as we
continue to garner support for heart disease awareness and we seek to ensure a
future with medical technology well versed at heart care.
As a coach, "having heart" is important to me both on and off the
court. Without heart, we can never express our passions or drive toward
greater success. I go red to show that my heart beats for the lives of so
many lost and now suffering from heart disease.